Women and Girls in Science 2023 – Thuc Uyen Nguyen-Thi, researcher in Labour and Behavioural Economics

13 February 2023

Home » Research News » Women and Girls in Science 2023 – Thuc Uyen Nguyen-Thi, researcher in Labour and Behavioural Economics

To my daughter, as to all other young girls that are interested in science, I would say be curious about everything and don’t be afraid of failure.

No one is born a scientist; it is something you can become over time with hard work and resilience. 

The first video of the Women [& girls] in Science 2023 series features Thuc Uyen Nguyen-Thi, researcher in Labour and Behavioural Economics at the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER).

Twenty years ago, I could never have imagined the job I am doing today. Scientist is a challenging job. I have faced failures, frustrations and a lot of stress. However, I am lucky enough to work with great colleagues with whom I can share my thoughts and build exciting projects together.

Uyen Nguyen

By sharing her experience, Uyen wants to show girls and women that being a researcher does not have to be a vocation from an early age. She also wishes to highlight researcher as a profession anchored in reality, aiming at contributing to respond to society’s current challenges.

The video series “Women [& Girls] in Science” is a collaboration between the institutions that form Research Luxembourg and MEGA (Ministère de l’Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes – Luxembourg). The series features 6 women in science with different journeys in science, with the goal to inspire young girls in[to] science. 

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