Women and Girls in Science 2023 – Inmaculada Peral Alonso, research facilitator

20 February 2023

Home » Research News » Women and Girls in Science 2023 – Inmaculada Peral Alonso, research facilitator

The glass ceiling exists; I have felt it; for a woman, it can be harder to progress in any job. The good news is that we can break this glass ceiling; we just need the right tools. We get them through training and mentoring.

The third video of the Women [& girls] in Science 2023 series features Inmaculada Peral Alonso, former researcher and now, research facilitator at the University of Luxembourg.

For anyone that wants to dive in science, experience it. You need to feel it. Is science for you? Be brave and curious; the work culture is fundamentally male-oriented, but we can learn to play the game and get good at it. Even if it’s not natural for you, you can learn.

Inma Peral

The video series “Women [& Girls] in Science” is a collaboration between the institutions that form Research Luxembourg and MEGA (Ministère de l’Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes – Luxembourg). The series features 6 women in science with different journeys in science, with the goal to inspire young girls in[to] science. 

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