SciLux podcast – Sophie Pilleron, cancer epidemiologist

16 May 2023

Home » Research News » SciLux podcast – Sophie Pilleron, cancer epidemiologist

Cancer in Older Adults

Older adults are more likely to be diagnosed with advanced cancer or in an emergency setting. Due to population ageing, there is an urgent need to improve diagnosis and treatment. This is the subject on which Dr Sophie Pilleron has chosen to conduct her research.

Dr Sophie Pilleron is a cancer epidemiologist at the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH), head of the interdisciplinary ACADI team, focusing on ageing, cancer and disparities. Her aim is to improve cancer outcomes for everyone, with a focus on older adults.

Reducing age-related disparities in cancer outcomes

Recent evidence illustrates that older people have not benefited from the recent improvements in cancer diagnosis and treatment as much as younger patients, increasing the survival gap. Older adults are a heterogeneous group in terms of health status and fitness. They have unique needs and to address these, it is crucial to unpack drivers of inequities in cancer outcomes.

The ACADI team which Dr Pilleron is running, investigates key moments in the cancer pathway where inequalities are likely to occur, namely pre-diagnosis, treatment decision-making, and active treatment, and propose recommendations and interventions relevant for patients, public health and clinicians.

Listen to Sophie Pilleron and learn more about her research activities to improve cancer outcomes for older adults.

Sophie Pilleron has been awarded a 2-MEUR ATTRACT Fellowship funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR). She is currently building her team and several PhD positions are open:

A podcast to highlight research made in Luxembourg

Research Luxembourg, RTL Today and SciLux have teamed up to launch a new series of podcasts showcasing science in Luxembourg and beyond.

With a new episode every 2 weeks published on RTL Play, ‘SciLux powered by Research Luxembourg’ will showcase research activities and scientific cooperation in the Grand Duchy.

Learn more on the SciLux X Research Luxembourg podcast